1) If your thinking of taking a trip this summer, be sure to check http://www.vrg.org/travel/ for travel tips and hints, such as articles on Traveling with Vegan Children, Reducing Fat in Your Meals while Dining on a Cruise Ship, or our Latin America Resource Guide. There are also links to travel articles from past Vegetarian Journals. Need a travel agent who knows where to find vegetarian food? Contact Donna Zeigfinger at 1-888-2GO-VEGE, visit her web site at www.VegTravel.com, or email her at [email protected].
2) The newly revised 192-page Meatless Meals for Working People - Quick and Easy Recipes is now available (see http://www.vrg.org/catalog/meatless.htm). Last month we told you this book was coming soon. Well, it's here.
Meatless Meals makes a great gift for relatives and friends. Give a copy to your local library and school to help spread the vegetarian message in a friendly way. As a special offer for VRG-NEWS subscribers, if you purchase five advance copies of Meatless Meals by July 15th, 1998, your cost will be one half of the regular price. We'll even pay the postage (Free shipping to US addresses only, other countries add $6).
To order five books for $30 (or one book for $12), visit our secure site at https://skyport.net/vrg/ordermm.htm and use your Mastercard or Visa. The books are in now, so we can ship them when we receive your order.
You can also print this email, and send your check to:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
PO Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________
___ $30 for five NEW Meatless Meals
___ $12 for one copy of the NEW Meatless Meals
3) Visit http://www.vrg.org/family/ for information on raising a vegetarian family. We recently added the transcript of the talk titled Vegetarian Diets During Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infancy presented by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D. at the 1997 ADA annual meeting. This section also has information on:
Feeding Vegan Kids
Vegetarian Nutrition for Teens
USDA School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children
A Senior's Guide To Good Nutrition
plus a variety of articles excerpted from the Vegetarian Journal. So if you want to know how to raise kids vegetarian or vegan, check it out.
4) We added an article to the web site titled Sports Nutrition Guidelines for the Vegetarian (see http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/athletes.htm). Active individuals often wonder what, and even if, they should eat before a workout -- especially when hunger seems to strike just around workout time. This article answers those questions. It is excerpted from Vegan Handbook (see http://www.vrg.org/catalog/veganhandbook.htm).
5) The July/August 1998 issue of the Vegetarian Journal contains:
a) Minding the Mint (recipes using mint)
b) Cold Bowls for Hot Days (cold soup recipes)
c) Destination: Coastal Spain and Portugal
d) Frosty, Fresh, and Fruity: Fruit Sorbets
e) An Update on Cruelty-Free Investing
f) Nutrition Hotline: Calcium in Cooked Broccoli
g) Product Reviews: Guide to Non-Dairy Frozen Desserts
h) Notes from the Scientific Department, Vegetarian Action, and more!
If you are not currently a subscriber to the Vegetarian Journal, why not subscribe today? You can find subscription information online at http://www.vrg.org/journal/subscribe.htm. Join for $30 or more, and receive a FREE copy of the Vegan Handbook, a $19.95 value! (see http://www.vrg.org/catalog/veganhandbook.htm).
6) Excerpts from the Spring 1998 issue of Vegetarian Journal's Foodservice Update are now online at http://www.vrg.org/fsupdate/fsu982/. Foodservice Update is a quarterly newsletter offering healthy tips and recipes for institutions, such as restaurants, hospitals, schools, colleges, and retirement communities. The Spring Issue includes these articles:
Reduced Sodium, Increased Flavor
Low-Sodium Vegan Quantity Recipes
Tid-bits and Vegan Products for Foodservice.
Vegetarian Journal's Foodservice Update can be ordered along with a one year Vegetarian Journal subscription for $30 at https://skyport.net/vrg/subscribe.htm. Thanks to volunteer Stephanie Schueler for converting the articles to html for the web site.
7) Give a gift subscription to the Vegetarian Journal for 25% off! Give your father (or yourself) a gift subscription for only $15, 25% off the usual rate of $20 (contiguous US only. Canada and Mexico are the special price of $25, and other countries are the special price of $37).
The recipient of your gift will be reminded of your thoughtfulness six times over the course of the year. Offer expires on June 18, 1998. To order via our secure web site using your Mastercard or Visa, visit https://skyport.net/vrg/subscribegift.htm. To order via our standard site, visit http://www.vrg.org/journal/subscribegift.htm. Or call (410) 366-8343 or send your check to VRG, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Be sure to include who the gift is for.
8) The North American Vegetarian Society will hold their 24th annual Vegetarian Summerfest from July 8th through the 12th. The conference will take place in Johnstown, PA (US) on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. For more information, visit http://www.cyberveg.org/navs/fest98/
9) Here's a unique salad that's perfect for summer picnics and cookouts. This recipe by Enette Larson, MS, RD and Stephen Knutson, appears in "The Vegan Handbook." For information on this book and others published by the VRG, visit http://www.vrg.org/catalog/.
Wild Rice Picnic Salad
(Makes six 3/4-cup servings)
2-1/2 cups cooked wild rice
2 cups sliced red grapes
8-ounce can water chestnuts, drained and chopped
1/4 to 1/3 cup soft tofu or plain soy yogurt
2 tablespoons eggless mayonnaise
1 tablespoon dill weed
1/4 cup slivered almonds
In a large bowl, combine wild rice, grapes, and water chestnuts. In a separate bowl, beat tofu or yogurt with a fork until smooth. (If the tofu does not beat to the consistency of mayonnaise, add a few drops of water.) Add mayonnaise and dill weed, and stir well. Pour over wild rice mixture and mix thoroughly. Chill for several hours. Toss in almonds before serving.
Total calories per serving: 147; Total Fat as % of Daily Value: 6%; Fat: 4 gm; Protein: 5 gm; Carbohydrates: 24 gm; Calcium: 39 mg; Iron: 1 mg; Sodium: 40 mg; Dietary Fiber: 2 gm.
10) Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in your school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in the development of nutrition-related publications and answer member and media questions about vegetarian diets.
The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization. Financial support comes primarily from memberships, donations, and book sales.
The Vegetarian Journal, a bi-monthly print magazine, is a benefit of membership in The VRG. The Journal features informational and recipe articles, product and book reviews, news for vegetarian activists, and up to date information about vegetarian health and nutrition. Membership in the VRG costs $20/year in the US, $30/year in Canada and Mexico, or $42/year for the rest of the world. Accepted forms of payment, all in US funds, are Visa, Mastercard, checks drawn on US banks, and postal orders. When joining, please send us your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If paying by credit card, please include the card number and expiration date. Membership requests should be directed to:
The Vegetarian Resource Group
PO Box 1463
Baltimore, MD 21203
Phone: (410) 366-8343
Fax: (410) 366-8804
E-mail: [email protected]
Or you can subscribe online at http://www.vrg.org/journal/subscribe.htm
11) VRG-NEWS is distributed as a volunteer service of Vegetarians Online, the forum for vegetarians on America Online. Vegetarians Online offers message boards, live chats, downloadable files, informational content, quick links to vegetarian websites and USENET newsgroups, and an interactive store which features products from The VRG. AOL members can use keyword VEGAN to visit Vegetarians Online. For more information, please contact Vegetarians Online host Bobbi Pasternak at [email protected].
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Contents of VRG-NEWS are copyright 1998 by The Vegetarian Resource Group. The newsletter may be freely distributed in electronic or print form provided its contents are not altered.
This newsletter was converted to HTML by Stephanie Schueler.
Last Updated June 22, 1998 |
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The contents of this web site, as with all The Vegetarian Resource Group publications, is not intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional. Any pages on this site may be reproduced for non-commercial use if left intact and with credit given to The Vegetarian Resource Group. Web site questions or comments? Please email [email protected]. |