For: Immediate Release October 15, 1999
Contacts: Davida Breier (410) 366-8343
Drew Nelson (410) 366-VEGE
It may be a blizzard in the Northeastern US or a hurricane in the South; a tornado in the Midwest or an earthquake in the West. Suddenly you are left without electricity and possibly without safe water. Many groups have recommendations aimed at helping the general public cope with these kinds of disasters. They call for use of foods like canned tuna, canned meat, and powdered milk. What about vegetarians or vegans? What sort of plans should they make?
Reed Mangels, Ph.D., RD and The Vegetarian Resource Group have produced Disaster Planning for Vegetarians. This four-page handout gives a sample menu for a family of four which does not require refrigeration, cooking, or water to prepare foods. Also included is a list of what can go in a Three-Day Food Supply for a Family Disaster Kit.
If you have a safe cooking source, you can prepare some simple hot foods. Non-perishable vegetarian foods requiring minimal cooking and which can be heated on a camping stove include canned soups, soups or meals in a cup, instant mashed potatoes, and dry mixes for hummus or refried beans. Also, think of quick cooking brown rice, couscous, textured vegetable protein (mix with tomato sauce and spices), ramen-type noodles, and instant hot cereals.
To order the four-page Disaster Planning for Vegetarians, send a self addressed envelope with two first class stamps to Disaster Planning, The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.
Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans are vegetarians who also do not use other animal products such as eggs or dairy. The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization which educates the public about vegetarianism. It publishes the monthly Vegetarian Journal and books such as Meatless Meals for Working People, Simply Vegan – Quick Vegetarian Meals, and Conveniently Vegan.
For more information about vegetarian diets, send a self addressed stamped envelope to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Or visit <>.
Last Updated December 23, 1999 |
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