For Immediate Release December 15, 1996
Contacts: Tamara Richter (410) 366-VEGE
Eric Hatch (410) 366-8343
The Vegetarian Resource Group is sponsoring an essay contest for students 18 and under. First prize in each category is a $50 savings bond.
Entrants should write a 2-3 page essay on any aspect of vegetarianism or veganism. Vegetarianism is not eating meat, fish, and birds (for example chicken or duck). Vegans are vegetarians who do not use any animal products such as dairy or eggs. Among the many reasons for being a vegetarian are beliefs about ethics, culture, health, aesthetics, religion, world peace, economics, world hunger, and the environment.
Contest categories are ages 8 and under, 9-13, and 14 -18. Entrants should base their paper on interviewing, research, and/or personal opinion. You need not be a vegetarian to enter. All essays become property of The Vegetarian Resource Group. Submissions should be postmarked by May 1, 1997. This is an annual contest.
Send entries to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Include your name, age, address, telephone number, grade, school, and teacher's name.
The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization which educates the public about vegetarianism. It publishes the bimonthly Vegetarian Journal ($20 per year). For more information about diets for vegan children, send $3 for the 16-page handout on The Vegan Diet During Pregnancy, Lactation, and Childhood. Included are general meal plans for pregnant vegans, vegan babies, and vegan children. Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D. talks about nutrition issues from infancy through adolescence.
To receive information about the essay contest and a lesson plan on vegetarianism, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with two first class stamps to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. The VRG web site is
Last Updated September 20, 1997 |
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