Letters to Editors
Thanks for VRG's Bumper Stickers!
Thank you for sending me the two bumper stickers. Soon they will be on my car. I love the slogan Be Kind to AnimalsDon't Eat Them! but living in Texas, I fear many will take exception to the order "... don't..." and that someone will throw a hamburger at my car.
Austin has lots of good places to enjoy vegan meals, which is one of the few good points of living here. And while I'm on the subject, you may like my contribution to your goals. I look quite a bit younger than my 87 years, and when people comment on that I share a secret: Never in my whole life have I consumed any animals. It really can be done! Know that The Vegetarian Resource Group plays an important role in my life!
Ria R., via email
Thrilled to Meet Vegan Journal's Senior Editor
My family and I had the pleasure of meeting Hannah Kaminsky at Wheatsville Coop's Vegan tasting event in Austin, Texas. We connected because she had the current copy of Vegan Journal out on her sampling table and I commented on it. Great to meet and be able to thank the current Senior Editor of Vegan Journal.
I shared with her how Charles Stahler and Debra Wasserman have been guideposts for me and my family since the Journal was called Baltimore Vegetarians MANY years ago, when it was only a few sheets of paper stapled together. It was a less friendly time for vegetarians and vegans.
It was definitely wonderful to have supportive people around you then, as it is now.
Toni G., via email
Loved Issue 3 2024 Vegan Journal!
I found the Vol. 43, Issue 3, 2024, particularly enjoyable. When I finished reading the issue, I wondered why. I reviewed it and discovered the reason: six articles by Reed Mangels! The usual Nutrition Hotline and Scientific Update, plus Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), Eat Some Broccoli and Call Me in the Morning, Thinking About Magnesium, and Am I Getting Enough Iodine? All were enjoyable to read, informative, and educational: a great combination. Please don't overwork her so that Reed's articles can continue for many issues in the future!
Norman D., via email