Book Reviews
That's Why We Don't Eat Animals
By Ruby Roth

That's Why We Don't Eat Animals is a children�s book covering the topic of factory farming. Its target audience is 6- to 10-year-olds, vegetarian or not. Roth gently discusses what is wrong with the way we raise food. First, she describes each animal in its natural habitat. Then, she compares this to their life on factory farms. She explains how chickens, turkeys, quail, ducks, and geese are raised. Next, she moves on to pigs, cows, and fish. Finally, Roth takes a look at animals in rainforests and endangered species. If each parent read this book to their child, I'm certain more children would consider becoming vegetarian.
That's Why We Don�t Eat Animals (ISBN 978-1-55643-785-4) is published by North Atlantic Books. The book retails for $16.95. Purchase this book online orcall (410) 366-VEGE to order it from The VRG. Reviewed by Debra Wasserman. Click here to purchase a copy
The All-New Illustrated Guide to Gardening
Edited by Fern Marshall Bradley and Trevor Cole

As a child, I don't think I would have ever imagined Reader�s Digest publishing their Guide to Gardening in an all-organic fashion. But they have, and this 576-page volume is incredible. You�ll find 2,500 color photos and information on more than 700 plants that can be grown organically.
I especially found the section titled "Taking Care of Your Garden" quite useful. Here you will find tips for improving soil quality and composting. You'll also learn about plant disorders. This part of the book includes illustrations of plant leaves with visible problems and offers suggestions on how to remedy the situation. Information on organic pest and disease control is shared, as well as a chart showing insects that help fight unwanted pests.
The All-New Illustrated Guide to Gardening (ISBN 978-0-7621-0999-9) is published by Reader�s Digest and retails for $35. Order this book online or locate it in a bookstore. Reviewed by Debra Wasserman. Click here to purchase a copy
The Vegan Monologues
By Ben Shaberman

The Vegan Monologues is a highly entertaining work from longtime vegan Ben Shaberman. In particular, this unique collection offers a few dozen essays, some previously published and some not, that tackle everything from rescuing stray animals to eating vegan Chinese food to attending Pink Floyd concerts.
Part One gives readers an insightful peek into the meat-free psyche with short, humorous pieces such as "How I Became a Takeout Junkie," "Making Nice with Vegetarians: An Insider�s Guide," and "Vegetarian Guys Get the Girls." It also includes more serious pieces, like "How We Said Goodbye" about Ben�s loving tribute to his girlfriend�s rapidly declining cat.
Part Two isn't focused on vegetarianism so much as other issues on the mind of this particular vegan, and many of his thoughts have a humorous bent. Among the most memorable are "The Further Adventures of Eczema Boy," "I Don�t Want My MTV," and "My Beauty and Her Beast" about Ben mowing his girlfriend's colossal lawn.
The Vegan Monologues is a humorous, and at times touching, volume that both herbivores and omnivores will definitely savor.
The Vegan Monologues (ISBN 978-1-934074-36-7) is published by Apprentice House and is 115 pages. You can order this book for $16 (includes postage) from The VRG at P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Reviewed by Keryl Cryer. Click here to purchase a copy
Lick It
By Cathe Olson

Lick It! offers more than 225 recipes for dairy-free frozen desserts that you can prepare at home using an ice cream maker. Enjoy making gourmet vegan ice creams, fruity sherbets and sorbets, frozen yogurts, sundaes, cakes, shakes, floats, and more. Your family and friends will love sampling Double Nut-Maple Ice Cream, Lemon Cheese Cake Ice Cream, and Strawberry Lemon-ade Sorbet topped with one of the many sauces and toppings
Lick It! (ISBN 0-978-1-57067-237-8) is published by Book Publishing Company and retails for $14.95. Order this book online or purchase it in your local bookstore. Reviewed by Debra Wasserman. Click here to purchase a copy