Vegetarian Journal 2009 Issue 2


Raw Southwestern Cuisine
As the weather warms, Nanette Blanchard suggests dishes that get you away from that hot stove.

FAQs About Vitamin D
Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, provides a primer about this essential vitamin.

VRG Nutrition Interns Develop Protein/Calorie Supplement for Vegans
Monica Cohen and Heather Fliehman are assigned to develop a vegan Ensure-like drink as part of their work with VRG.

Super Savory Pancakes
Debra Daniels-Zeller serves up dinner-style flapjacks, oatcakes, and more.

Texture Alterations for Vegan Diets
Chef Nancy Berkoff, RD, EdD, assists institutions who cater to clients who can�t chew and/or swallow in this Foodservice Update.


Nutrition Hotline
What are the nutritional benefits of consuming flaxseeds?

Note from the Coordinators

Letters to the Editors

Vegan Cooking Tips
Summer Squash, by Chef Nancy Berkoff, RD, EdD, CCE

Notes from The VRG Scientific Department

Scientific Update

Veggie Bits

Book Reviews


Vegetarian Action
Vegetarian Nutrition Education Pioneer George Eisman, by Ed Coffin

Back Cover
New FDA Labeling Rules for Cochineal Extract and Carmine Coloring By Jeanne Yacoubou; Fish and the 'Pareve' Designation