by Lucia Rivera, VRG Intern
As I wrap up another portion of my long-distance internship with the Vegetarian Resource Group, I remain very appreciative of this unique opportunity and experience. I have continued to learn about the lives and experiences of other vegan activists, have improved my writing and editing skills, and have developed a deeper appreciation for and understanding of vegetarianism.
Since I began the second “phase” of my internship, I have worked on numerous pieces ranging across many different subjects. Not only was I able to help inform others by writing blog posts, but I have been able to expand my own knowledge. Examples of projects that allowed me to do so include an article on how to feed large groups vegan food on a budget, a piece on vegan cake decorating, and an article about eating vegan in Abu Dhabi. Especially for the latter I was excited by the information I found out in my interviews, whether they were conducted over the phone or through email. It is definitely inspiring to see how many vegetarians and vegans throughout the world — from a variety of backgrounds — are putting in whatever effort they can to help change the world around them. I was also able to see the truth in that in my work reviewing VRG scholarship applications. I really enjoyed hearing other people’s stories and what vegetarianism or veganism means to them.
Another way that I have contributed and also grown in the past six months has been through completing translations for both my articles and those by other VRG contributors. Although I am bilingual, I am usually in English-speaking spaces, so it was always a welcomed challenge to do translations from English to Spanish for the VRG website. I also am glad that I can help VRG expand its audience to Spanish-speakers!
In addition to written contributions, I have also been able to partake in other projects like photography assignments. I was able to challenge myself in another area, which I found really enjoyable. Through VRG I was also able to be interviewed by a podcast for an episode on vegetarianism. This was not a platform I was used to sharing on, but I am glad I was able to help add to the discussion in the media about vegetarian lifestyles. I hope that at least one person heard the podcast episode and was inspired to change their eating habits too. This was also an experience where I was able to acknowledge the importance of planning in advance and being well-prepared, two things that I think served me well during my interview.
Lastly, working with the VRG has helped me improve my networking and professional skills. Even during this pandemic, I have been able to get to know other young interns with similar passions and goals in life. As a rising high school senior, I will soon enough be thrust into many more professional atmospheres, and my work at VRG will have helped prepare me for those occasions. Whether it be by communicating over email, organizing interviews, or collaborating with others on projects, I have been able to utilize my skills and improve them. Overall, my time thus far with VRG has led to surprises, challenges, successes, and many final products that hopefully make a difference in promoting and informing others about vegetarianism!
For information about The Vegetarian Resource Group internships, see: