Interning with The Vegetarian Resource Group
By Shun Shueh

It has been a pleasure interning with The Vegetarian Resource Group for about 3 months. I’ve been vegan for a little more than a year, and my experience with The Vegetarian Resource Group has been very rewarding.
I initially joined VRG in an attempt to find a deeper connection to veganism. Though I was already comfortable with eating a vegan diet, I wanted to learn more about vegan activism and how I could make an even bigger contribution to the vegan cause. Interning with VRG has definitely helped me get closer to this goal. I’ve learned so much about different types of activism and running a non-profit organization. My favorite part of this experience has been meeting those who are connected to The Vegetarian Resource Group. Here, I quickly learned that having connections is a crucial part of running a successful cause, so interning at VRG has allowed me to get more comfortable with networking.
I also enjoyed assisting with different outreach events including a vegan Jewish cooking demonstration and a booth at an event for dietitians. This opportunity gave me a new perspective on how events are run and planned.
Lastly, working in the VRG office also meant that I could try lots of fun vegan snacks! My personal favorites were vegan ice cream mochi and vegan ravioli from Amy’s Kitchen. Overall, I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to intern at VRG and have gained a lot from this experience.
For more information about VRG internships, see
Shun Shueh was a VRG high school intern in 2019.